4mBrandingBrand Building in Inflationary Times: Understanding Your ConsumerOnur YaprakProcter & Gamble
5mData AnalyticsData Privacy: What to Expect When the Cookie CrumblesRanga SomanathanOmnicom Media Group
19mConsumer BehaviorWhen Bad Personalised Marketing Happens to Good PeopleLyubomir MinkovDFI Retail Group | FairPrice Group
18mConsumer BehaviorData-Backed Customer SegmentationNamrata JollyMicrosoft | Prudential Assurance Company
18mConsumer BehaviorData-Driven Marketing: An IntroductionAmit MangwaniIntel Corporation | Unity Technologies
16mConsumer BehaviorNeuroscience: Creating Unforgettable Brand ExperiencesKristy CastletonRebel & Soul | Quintessentially
11mConsumer BehaviorLeveraging Consumer Insights in Digital MarketingNarayan KeshavanDell Technologies