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Hit Pivot on Your Career

Jan 14, 2022 | 1h 54m

Ready to switch things up in your career? This Trail is a great place to start your journey. The Thinkfluencers in this Trail offer their advice on various career pivots you might be considering, whether that’s taking the plunge into the gig economy, moving to a tech role for the first time, switching from government to corporate work, or taking a sabbatical. Get inspired, get actionable strategies, and get excited!

Making a Career Switch

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Top Thinkfluencers

Aris Economopoulos, Megha Chopra, Victoria R. (Vickie) Lonker, Ismael Hernandez, Bianca Burke, Rukmini Giridhar, Reynold D'Silva, Ankesh Grover, Rajesh Kumar

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