Luke is a published author, educator and the co-host of the Plant Fit Summit. He also competes as a strength athlete. Luke is the founder of Plant Fit Movement and Awake Method, which promotes plant-based health, fitness, and conscious living. He is also a Breath Architect and Lifestyle Optimisation Coach.
Previously, Luke was based in Melbourne as a strength and conditioning coach for Australian Strength Performance. After watching a documentary on animal cruelty, he turned vegan overnight. Having been a 1kg a day meat-eating bodybuilder and strength coach, the paradigm shift challenged him to relearn what he thought he knew about food. Luke went on to be certified in plant-based nutrition and has since coached and brought plant-based fitness models to competition.
To further advocate empowered and conscious living, Luke published the book ‘A.W.A.K.E and Alive: Harness your Physical and Mental Potential through a Plant-based Lifestyle’. As an athlete, Luke has competed as a vegan and placed in natural bodybuilding competitions in Australia, and in the US with team Plantbuilt. He formed Evolved Generation, a brand based in Australia, to build a community of plant-based athletes, entrepreneurs and health professionals.