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Emilie Tan

Tigerhall Thinkfluencer
Endurance Athlete & Education Manager
FIT Singapore


Emilie Tan is an ultra runner, competitive athlete, and a member of the Australian National Team for 100km World Championships. She completed her first 100km race at the highly competitive Vibram Hong Kong 100 in 2016 and finished 6th female overall amongst a field of close to 1900 athletes. She believes without a doubt that her mostly raw high carbohydrate vegan diet is making her a better athlete.

From a young age, sport has been a dominant part of Emilie’s life. At the age of 10, Emilie took up speed skating and had a successful decade-long career. She competed thrice in the World Junior Championships. Emilie also won 5 medals (3 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze) at the 2003 Canada Winter Games. She then took up long distance running, and since catching the endurance bug, she has run many races of marathon distance and beyond and accumulated multiple top 4 finishes against competitive fields.

Emilie credits her switch to a plant-based lifestyle for her healing from a long struggle with eating disorders. Through her own experience, knowledge and as a newly qualified raw chef, Emilie wants to inspire and empower others to gain self-confidence and reconnect with their heart to find their true purpose.

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