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B2B vs. B2C: Rising Expectations for Financial Services

Sep 22, 2023 | 22m

With rapid innovation raising the bar for customer expectations in the B2C world, the pressure is on for the B2B world. After all, businesses are run by humans too! Till has a particular expertise in helping B2B companies learn from the innovation in the B2C space, and in this podcast he speaks to you, the B2B business leader, about how to stay ahead of the curve without simply jumping on every trend that comes along.

Learn More About:

  • The increasing expectations of customers and how it is revolutionizing financial services
  • Focused apps vs. superapps and how to decide which is best for your business
  • The complex regulatory environment and its impact on innovation and customer experience

Hosted by Alex Lawrence

This podcast was recorded in collaboration with Converge Podcasts by Convera


Till Oberhummer

Head of Sales and BD | Former Head of Sales and BD, Central Europe & Ireland

Convera | Western Union



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