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Nelius Strydom

Verified Thinkfluencer
Chief Product Officer
Privé Technologies | Go Bear

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Nelius is a finance professional with experience as a C-level leader with large international players in the Banking and Insurance industry. His core experience as a CFO working extensively on performance management and managing teams across multiple locations. Since arriving in Singapore, he has worked across the region and built teams from scratch in a number of countries. Nelius is currently the Chief Product Officer at Privé Technologies.

For the past five years, Nelius has worked with various businesses in the financial services sector building out new digital business models focusing on financial marketplaces. He has also worked with a number of businesses to develop their technology solutions and reorganising teams around product development and delivery methodologies. Throughout his career Nelius has worked in regulated environments working closely with legal and compliance teams to ensure adherence to regulations.

Nelius has worked in both the financial services and corporate sector and has built social businesses focusing on low cost education and healthcare providers outside of the corporate environment.

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