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Guiam Wainwright

Tigerhall Thinkfluencer
Advisor - Product & Strategy | Group Product Manager - Advanced Technology
Panalyt | Ocado Technology


With a diverse background that spans entrepreneurship, AI, hacking, and people, Guiam has travelled the world while following his passions. Heis currently the Co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Panalyt. Panalyt pipelines and transforms all of a company's data so they can apply machine learning, make predictions, and intervene if they don’t like those predictions. Imagine a Disney-esque magic mirror that sees six months into your business’ future, allowing you to change course if you don’t like it.

Previously, Gui was the Special Projects and Data lead for People & Culture for Circles.life, a telco disruptor based in Singapore. He started his professional career with large scale behavioural change research projects, helping national governments execute different social agendas. Transitioning into People & Culture because of his obsession with the employee experience, Gui founded, and later sold, several businesses consulting on recruiting and behaviour change. He has also worked with Cambridge Analytica in the past.

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