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Introducing Yourself: How to Make the Best First Impression

Aug 13, 2020 | 10m

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • Crafting the perfect introduction in light of the context of your conversation
  • Why establishing common ground will start you off on the right foot
  • How to be memorable in a way that comes across as authentic, not rehearsed


What Makes an Effective Introduction

Everyone wants to make a good first impression. Whether you are at a job interview, a conference or a date, you want to put your best foot forward. Although it can be intimidating, a well-crafted introduction can set the tone for the rest of your experience.

It all begins with finding an area where your story intersects with the other’s. When you are able to find common ground and establish a shared context, you begin to break down the invisible barrier that is naturally there when you meet someone for the first time. When you are meeting someone in a professional setting, you are either trying to buy or sell something: your skills, your services, or your product. The default framework of a professional setting is often transactional. While this practical framework is often how business transactions are made, it can be very dry and purely functional. However, when you establish a shared framework, you begin to build a relationship and create trust.

To establish a shared framework, context is everything. There are different kinds of professional settings, each of which requires a different nuance that must be included in your introduction. When I worked with management trainees, I found that including humor and not taking myself too seriously were good ways to lighten the mood and connect with the trainees. I also shared anecdotes of my experiences in college and compared it to their experiences. This broke down the invisible barrier between us and helped me build a relationship with the trainees. However, this approach would not be as effective if I were talking to a board member or regulator. It may come across as casual and unprofessional.

After you have determined your audience and approach, you can begin to craft your introduction. It is ideal to limit your introduction to no more than 10 to 15 seconds. If the person wants to know more about you, they will ask. The idea is to keep your introduction short and relevant, keeping in mind the context in which you are meeting the individual. The last thing you want is for someone to wish for you to stop talking because you are babbling on about irrelevant information.

The best way to ensure that the content of your introduction is relevant is to use the context of your conversation as the foundation on which you build your introduction. It would be pointless to bring in information that is irrelevant to your meeting. The other person does not need to know every detail about how you arrived at where you are today. It is irrelevant to your current job. So, it is most important to focus on the present, what you currently do for a living, and why it is important to the person to whom you are speaking.

Important Rules for Your Introduction

Regardless of who you are speaking to, never talk up or talk down. When you meet someone for the first time, focus on being respectful, which will act as an equaliser. Eastern cultures have this embedded in our social fabric. Whether it’s “samman” in India or losing/saving face in other parts of Asia, this process is critical to making a good first impression. Gratuitous praise causes discomfort and loss of face and is the most frequent manifestation of talking up. If you want an example of talking down (and I am sure most of us have been talked down to at least once), watch the scene in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts goes to the stores on Saks Fifth Avenue the first time. It is important to treat each person with respect in order to build a good foundation for your relationship.

If you are introducing yourself in a professional setting, keep your language simple and contextual to you and your company. You could lose the interest of the person if you use slang and jargon that they may not understand.

When crafting your introduction, it is ideal to start with the most inclusive part of your story and then move towards something more exclusive. As an example, the way I have constructed my introduction is to outline the various sectors I’ve worked in – FMCG, Financial Services and Media and Entertainment – rather than naming specific companies. This approach allows me to connect to a broader audience especially if I am speaking at a conference. It is unfortunate that we live in an era where people tend to create more division than inclusion. Because of this, it is important for your introduction with something that the other person can relate to, so that he can find common ground with you and gain interest in your story.

If you start by defining yourself from the largest ecosystem to which you belong and then work down to the smallest ecosystem, you are more likely to find greater points of overlap and convergence with the people around you. The more points of overlap there are, the more inclusive and tolerant you will appear to be. Conversations flow from finding multiple points of overlap, so if you start with an expansive rather than reductive approach in your introduction, the other person will be more likely to dig deeper and gain interest in your story.

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