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How to Build Solid Post-Pandemic Teams

Jan 6, 2021 | 8m

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • Why remote work demands that organisations change their approach to be successful
  • Dhruv’s list of five areas to re-evaluate as you lead your team into a post-pandemic world
  • Warning signs to look out for to ensure your team remains high-performing and more importantly high-integrity

Why Adapting to the “New Normal” is Key

A June 2020 study by Facebook in partnership with Bain & Company shows that in Southeast Asia, ‘at home’ is here to stay. A third of the respondents felt more productive and less stressed thanks to remote working, and 37% reported having started or using more remote presence apps. Businesses need to adapt to these new ways of living and working instead of just waiting for things to “return to normal.” Successful organisations post-pandemic will be ones who have embraced the implications of these new habits, and have re-imagined what solid team dynamics look like in the age of video conferencing and a dispersed workforce. As a leader, what areas can you reevaluate to make sure that your team is as resilient and effective as ever in these evolving circumstances?

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