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Frameworks to Infuse Your Company With Soul

Sep 11, 2022 | 6m

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • Three pillars of the Soul System® framework
  • What a ‘Spirit Statement’ is and how to craft one
  • How leaders can embed purpose and soul into their entire organization

Making a Case For Soul

Companies with soul are those that have full integrity between its strategic intent and actions. When there’s a disconnect between the two, corporate culture becomes an issue as employees don’t have a coherent experience. They’re told one thing, but their day-to-day experience of work feels very different.

Over the past 10-15 years, there's been a big discussion in the leadership world around the buzzword purpose. Yes, purpose is critical but soul lies beyond purpose. A great purpose statement codifies which behaviors are tolerated, rewarded, recommended, and recognized. There should be no ambiguity.

But purpose is a means to an end, and the end is great corporate culture – a company with soul. Seen this way, soul becomes a new critical measure of organizational value, performance, reputation and impact. On that basis, I've created the Soul System, which is a delivery pathway that helps companies in any industry and at any size at any stage of their lifecycle to improve their organizational value, performance, reputation and impact in the marketplace.

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