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When Your Annoying Remote Colleague Is Ignoring You

Dec 16, 2019 | 10m

The scenario is all too common: you need an important file, but the colleague responsible sits in another office and is ignoring your requests. When you can’t physically walk over and ask, Nissan Joseph suggests trying humor as a first step to getting what you want, and striving to build a friendly relationship to maximize your chances of getting what you need on time.

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • The best times to follow-up and what to write in your reminder email
  • Why you shouldn’t go over their heads and tell their boss
  • Ways to build a personal bond with colleagues you need regular attention from

Hosted by Divya Nair


Nissan Joseph

Former MD and VP, South Korea, India and SEA | CEO

Crocs | Metro Brands Limited



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