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What an Organisation Needs To Be Inclusive From an LGBTQIA+ Perspective

Aug 4, 2022 | 16m

As more and more companies proclaim to champion inclusivity and diversity in the workplace – it seems like not everyone is walking the talk. In this podcast, Wesley challenges the idea that inclusivity is automatically achieved through a single policy. Instead, he shares his own experience as an LGBTQIA+ individual of creating a truly inclusive workplace through multifaceted efforts that tie in company culture, benefits and policies.

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • How to create policies and a benefits plan that recognizes the diversity within the LGBTQIA+ community
  • Why employee-led inclusivity programs work and how you can set them up
  • The power of top leadership openly supporting and acknowledging LBGTQIA+ communities in the workplace

Hosted by Pippa Woodhead


Wesley D. Bizzell

Senior Assistant General Counsel & MD, Political Law & Ethics Programs

Altria Client Services LLC



For Historically Excluded Groups