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Dealing With Resistance to DEI Efforts

Jun 12, 2023 | 17m

Are you facing resistance and pushback when trying to drive DE&I in your organization? In this podcast, Tara draws upon her vast experience in executive DE&I leadership roles as she unveils the common forms of pushback and the essential components of a strong DE&I strategy. You'll learn about the practical steps needed to tackle resistance and create a truly inclusive workplace.

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • Recognizing and addressing the common forms of pushback effectively
  • The power of data in influencing organizational change and promoting accountability
  • Overcoming the personal fear of starting tough conversations

Hosted by Pippa Woodhead


Tara Jaye Frank

Author | Former VP, Multicultural Strategy

The Waymakers | Hallmark Cards



Inclusive Leadership DEI in Practice