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How Singlife with Aviva Turned Social Learning into Culture

Building an Agile Learning Culture

Singlife Case Study

Before Tigerhall

  • Low Engagement

    Lack of ROI in learning platforms with only 2% adoption rates

  • Lack of Application

    Learning does not lead to new actions taken

  • Learning Disconnect from Business Strategy

    No contribution to progress on business strategy

After Tigerhall

  • 51 mins spent on learning every week vs. an industry average of 10-15 mins

  • 75% adoption rate

  • 99% of users apply learnings within 2 months

  • 84% of users attribute improved work performance to Tigerhall

  • 26 curated Trails developed for business strategy, industry and geographical markets.

  • Named Most Innovative HR Team at the 2022 Human Resources Director Asia Awards

  • Named Greatest Impact Through Social Learning at the 2021 Tigerhall Hall of Tigers

Intending to build a learning organization, I had conversations with many learning vendors based on the criteria content, accessibility and learning interface. I was sure that Tigerhall met all of my criteria after logging into the demo account. Since then, the Tigerhall team has enabled the live streaming of thought leadership from my business leaders - the foundation component of a learning organization.

Kyo Tan - Learning Partner

Singlife with Aviva are serious about growing their people. After the merger of Aviva Singapore and Singlife, announced as the largest insurance deal in Singapore in September 2020 and valued at S$3.2 billion, the team was tasked with blending the two cultures in a meaningful way.

“Every successful start-up becomes what they hate, which is an incumbent. Your growth leads you to a position of needing to defend or perpetuate that growth. You can’t just do everything you want when it comes to high-stakes risks. You now have to be protective of the business. I would say that we have transitioned from a start-up to a high-growth incumbent. I think we have high potential if we look at our capabilities. But being a much bigger animal now does make us go a little bit slower than I’d like.” Singlife Founder Walter de Oude speaking to McKinsey after the merger between Singlife and Aviva in 2021

Rather than rely on the traditional big players in the learning space, Singlife decided to look for a partner that reflected their own values - future ready, digitally empowered, consumer centric, trailblazers. Enter Tigerhall. Led by Group Head of People Vicki Chai , Lead Learning Partner Kyo Tan and Head of Talent Management & Learning, Effin Jamalladin identified Agility, Collaboration, Empathy, Innovation and Trust as foundational capabilities to double down on as 1,400 people came together.

Singlife with Aviva doesn’t just sell insurance, they want to give their customers control over their financial wellbeing at every stage of the their lives. With the concept of personalized support throughout life's moments, the company looked to imbed upskilling throughout every stage of their employees' careers. Using social learning to focus around organization-wide learning objectives, Singlife with Aviva built a combined culture where organizational performance is driven by teamwork and a collective desire for top performance.

Key Areas of Social Learning

  • Wellness & Mindfulness

  • Creativity & Innovation

  • Learning Agility

  • Self Awareness

  • ACE-IT Values

  • Customer Centricity

  • Strategic Thinking

Social Learning Approach:

Learning Trails were curated by Tigerhall’s Learning Strategy Team for each capability. These trails were made up of podcasts, livestreams and power reads. Singlife with Aviva also hosted monthly livestreams led by internal leaders to scale knowledge on key organizational topics. These trails and live sessions were combined with with self paced learning assigned to users as well as reflections and check-ins that took place at regular intervals to drive applicability and retention.

Learning Trails feature case studies, actionable insights and perspectives from a community from a community of 800+ global business leaders, or Thinkfluencers, including the likes of Maya Hari - CEO of Terrascope, Arielle Gross Samuels - Former Global Head of ESG at Meta and Incoming Global Head of Marketing at Blackstone, Sarita Singh - Regional Head & Managing Director, Southeast Asia & India at Stripe and Borko Kovacevic - Chief Operating and Marketing Officer at Microsoft Singapore.

Internally, Pearlyn Phau, CEO of Singlife with Aviva and Nellie Wartoft, CEO and Founder of Tigerhall held a widely popular livestream on how to drive business transformation through effective change management and how learning agility helps us embrace change. Livestreams offer the opportunity for Q&A sessions and interaction with senior leadership.

Singlife with Aviva leaders who hosted livestreams:

  • Pearlyn Phau, CEO
  • Walter de Oude, Singlife Founder
  • Maya Hari, Board of Directors
  • Vicky Chai, Group Head of People
  • Effin Jamalludin, Talent Development Lead

Custom content pieces planned and executed to drive engagement at Singlife with Aviva included a custom mini-competition designed around Mindfulness and Wellness.

The approach was planned in 3 phases: Phase 1: Leadership, Strategic & Customer Centricity Phase 2: Managing People 101 Phase 3: Company wide digital roll out

The 3-Year Plan

On the strength of exceptional results, Tigerhall and Singlife with Aviva renewed their collaboration for for a further 2 years starting in January 2022. The strategy for these 2 years is to:

Further building the foundational capabilities in the areas of Customer Focus, Ownership Mindset, Data-driven Mindsets and Data Transformation

Drive communication and messaging from Singlife with Aviva leaders via Livestreams, particularly the Board of Directors, to ensure strategic priorities, growth objectives and special projects are clearly understood by every employee

Include Livestreams with external Thinkfluencers to develop cross-functional, cross-industry knowledge and expertise for capability building and skills development.

Build Custom Onboarding Experiences for new employees on the Tigerhall app. This will introduce them to the Singlife with Aviva businesses, help them build connections in the company and get up to full productivity quickly, in a manner that is digital-forward, collaborative and transparent.

Drive usage of Tigerhall’s Social Learning features that enable the community to discuss, debate, recommend and follow content leading to higher interaction, higher engagement and ultimately higher applicability of the learning.


“I am able to bring more positive thinking, enable the team to think strategically and be aligned with my thinking as well as the goals for the team in terms of our contribution to the company as a whole.”

“I've learnt how to organize my thoughts for effective presentation skills. I've also picked up some tips on how to work & collaborate effectively as a team.”

“It has helped me change my mindset to be more positive and given me ideas on time saving techniques and how to help my team move towards our goals more strategically.”

“It has helped me to handle my work better and also manage my team better.”

“Sharing from industry leaders broadened my knowledge, improved my skillsets and added curiosity to other areas.”

“I’m motivated to learn new things everyday as Tigerhall has different type of skills for me to pick up anytime, anywhere and on my own time.”

“I particularly enjoyed listening to this podcast ‘What to Eat for Peak Performance’. These are 2 of the tips that I learnt to help achieve peak performance which include fasting overnight for 12 hours and hyper-hydrate once we wake up by drinking at least 1 litres of water. Fasting is a good stress for the body to make the body perform better.”

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Discover Tigerhall’s Social Learning Platform in Action

    Designed for Forward-thinking Enterprises

  • Onboarding Sessions and Custom Grouping

  • Dedicated Engagement and Communication

  • Extended Reporting on Engagement Metrics, Progress Tracking and Insights

  • 24/7 Enterprise Support

  • Curated Thinkfluencers' Session Design and Coordination

  • Curated Livestreams Design and Support

  • Personality Assessments

  • Individual & Group Mentorship Sessions

  • Full End-To-End Logistics Management