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Multiple Thinkfluencers (2)

Ramona Kit Yeen Raj | Eric Jaffe

Livestream: How Self-Awareness Can Improve Leadership Performance

Apr 16, 2024 | 29m

Self-awareness is critical if one wants to lead successfully at scale. As a senior leader, acknowledging one's blind spots and weaknesses allows colleagues to balance them with their own strengths and connect with the leader as authentically human. How do you remain humble and open to critique while also being confident and ambitious? Joining us live to share his insights on this topic is Eric Jaffe, CEO of BCA Research. He’ll share his biggest lessons learned by reflecting on his own journey, offering tips to leaders who are looking to lead bigger teams.


Ramona Kit Yeen Raj

Content Strategy



Eric Jaffe

Chief Executive Officer | Former MD & Global Head of Content

BCA Research | GLG



Leadership Philosophy Developing Teams