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What You Should Know About Tech

Mar 9, 2020 | 9m

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • Understanding the basics of tech and shelving your apprehensions about it
  • Common blind spots you might face as a non-tech person
  • How focused learning can help to expand your understanding of tech and enhance your business


Basic Tenets of Technology

From social media to television and phone apps, technology has become a part of every aspect of our lives. Instead of an old-fashioned alarm clock, you probably woke up to an alarm that you set on your phone last night. Before getting out of bed to brush your teeth, you probably checked your friends’ latest updates on Instagram or Facebook, and even likely scrolled through the emails you received while you were asleep.

Although technology is everywhere, not everyone is quite as well-versed on the implications of technology – the good, the bad, and the ugly, so to speak. In the 70s and 80s, only IBM was considered a tech company. Now, almost every company can be considered a tech company, even if they simply deliver food. As a tech person, I have encountered people who are unclear about what tech is and isn’t.

Based on my knowledge and experiences, here are the basic tenets for tech knowledge to broaden your understanding and further your business.

First, shed all apprehensions. Tech is not quite as complicated as it is made out to be. Tech geeks are known to throw around jargon, which may make you feel like they know something you don’t. The truth is, it takes two to tango. In order to realise your business goals, you’ll need to work collaboratively with your tech people so that everyone is on the same page.

This can only happen if you as the businessperson have a very clear understanding of your business goals. Document exactly what you envision in simple English. List down everything that needs to happen. When in doubt, oversimplify. This will help you communicate clearly with your tech colleague. Tech people tend to focus on their goals, and may miss the bigger picture of how their work affects the rest of the business. So, it is important to err on the side of caution, drop all of the business jargon, and oversimplify so that your tech person can gain a clear picture of your goals.

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