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Reverse Your Biological Clock

Mar 2, 2019 | 10m

Gain Actionable Insights To:

  • How your body ages biologically and what you can do about it day-to-day
  • Why the beauty industry doesn’t help you and what you can do to have glowing skin
  • Tell-tale signs that your organs aren’t functioning well and what you can do to fix them without having to go for expensive treatments
  • A self-assessment of the hormones you’re lacking and what you can do to improve their production and slow your biological aging

Chronology and Biology

Your birthday marks your chronological age. With every year that passes by, and every candle that is added to your cake, your chronological age increases. Your biological age, on the other hand, is measured by your hormone levels which is the most scientifically supported marker out of all biological markers. You are as old as your oldest organ. If your organ says that you're 50 years old, and it’s your 40th birthday, the harsh truth is that you’re 50.

The beauty industry is promoting anti-ageing skincare, makeup and sophisticated technologies at every turn with the claims of anti-ageing. Unfortunately, the results are temporary and external. It’s like a nine-year-old Ferrari that is repainted, and has new changed rims and tyres. It may look new, but once you open the front of the engine, you discover that it’s in fact a 15-year-old engine that isn’t going to last long.

Instead of turning to these supposed quick fixes, if we start addressing the root of why people are ageing faster, we have a higher chance of slowing down the ageing process. The way that someone lives impacts how fast they age. Certain factors cause our hormones to start falling at a faster rate than they should for our age. If we address this at its roots and fix our lifestyle and nutrition, we can help improve the state of our hormones and consequently the rest of our body.

Many people don't realise they are unhealthy until you ask them a few specific questions. There are some questions you need to start answering to assess your health. For example, what time do you go to bed? How many hours do you sleep? Are you actually able to go into sleep or do you wake up in the middle of the night? What type of diet are you normally having? The answers to these questions reveal a lot about your health and the state of your hormones. I'll lay out these questions and explain how some lifestyle and nutrition choices affect your body's ageing.

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