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Power Bite: A Tip to Get in Touch With Executives


A Tip to Get in Touch with Executives

The Problem: 

Getting in touch with executives is one of the most important parts of the sales process. Yet salespeople know that it can be frustrating when you ask your champion for an introduction and you get responses like “You can talk to me and I’ll pass the information along.” You may take your champion’s word for it, but end up not getting the results you were looking for. Don’t despair. I’ve worked with teams in the past who have faced the same issue, and have come up with a creative and effective way to get in front of decision makers. 

The Solution: Create a Newsletter

This could be a brief or an update that you periodically send to everyone in that organization who works with your product. Use this newsletter to highlight the success they’re having with the solution you’re providing, showcasing key metrics and improvements. 

What’s in it for Your Champion: 

How do you get your champion on board? Explain to them that this newsletter is a chance to showcase the great work they’re doing to the executives. They’ve purchased a tool, and the newsletter will communicate the impact they’ve made in the organization as a result of it. You could even suggest taking screenshots of the newsletter and using them in meetings. Clarify that it’s not just about you gaining access to decision makers, but equally about sharing your mutual success with the entire organization. 

What’s In It For You: 

Post sale, communication is crucial. No one likes to receive a surprise churn notice from a customer. To avoid such scenarios, it’s important to make sure you’re in constant contact with decision makers, making them aware of the value your product is adding to their organization. 

Particularly in this economic environment where organizations are cutting costs, a newsletter is a great way for you to stay top of mind. If the CFO or CEO is getting a weekly email from you, they’re likely to at least recognize your name and be able to see the results your product is enabling on a regular basis. I guarantee you that if the results are significant, you’ll stand out from the other solutions who aren’t providing this kind of information. So if these executives do look to cut costs at any point, and your solution is on the list, they’ll immediately know who you are and the value you provide, which can only work in your favor.

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