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How to Lead Effectively as an Introvert

Mar 16, 2020 | 10m

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • How to manage your energy on days when you have several meetings scheduled
  • Why accepting your own abilities is half the battle won
  • Leveraging on your strengths as an introvert to be a better leader

Into the Mind of an Introvert

There’s a perception that leaders are typically outspoken, out there, with an alpha personality. This image is certainly perpetuated by the media, but ground realities are different. Introverts are equally capable of being great leaders.

As an introvert, I know a thing or two about the unique challenges of being in a leadership role. I am very comfortable being outspoken in a small group. Yet as the group gets larger, I tend to retreat into my head. When I started out, the imposter syndrome hit me hard. I knew I had the skills, and this was reflected to me by my colleagues as well.

Yet I felt deeply challenged. I felt that there were people better suited for the job. It took me time to realise that being able to speak about a topic and actually understanding it are two very different things. As an introvert, I tended to think carefully about a subject before speaking. With time, I grew more confident as a leader, and it became a much easier space to navigate.

Introvert Leaders

Creating an environment where introverts can flourish isn’t difficult. It’s simply a case of structuring a space where everyone is encouraged to share and speak up.

If you’re promoting an introvert to lead, give them opportunities to talk. When you give everyone the chance to share their thoughts, you’re promoting a culture that supports introverts. It shows that the organisation doesn’t assume that people who are loud are better or add more value. When you open up the space for an introvert to speak, you’re making the environment less intimidating for them.

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