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What to Expect When Your Employee’s Expecting

Feb 4, 2020 | 19m

So, a valuable member of your team has told you she’s pregnant. While you’re naturally happy for her, you’re also secretly worried about how the time she’ll need to take off will impact you and your team. How can you support her through this big life event and practically prepare for the change? Alice Lopin has had four kids herself and is here to offer you perspectives from both sides of the fence.

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • The top concerns that leaders have when it comes to managing women who are due to go on maternity leave
  • How to help her do a successful maternity cover handover
  • Supporting her back into work following her leave

Hosted by Divya Nair


Alice Lopin

Former Retail Store Leader




Women Empowerment Communication Tips for Leaders