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Turn Around Your Self-Doubt With Mindfulness

Jul 25, 2024 | 49m

Dr. Ellen Langer is a legend in the field of psychology.

And a legend at Harvard University.

She’s the longest-serving professor of psychology at Harvard. She was also the first woman to ever be tenured in psychology at the university. Her 40+ year career has earned her the nicknames “the mother of mindfulness” and “the mother of positive psychology.” Until starting Tiger Therapy, we always thought self-doubt was an enemy to be vanquished. But Dr. Langer says that self-doubt is important. In fact, she says, if you don’t feel self-doubt, you might be being mindless.

Research shows that most of us are mindless a lot of the time, but Dr. Langer believes that if we can work towards being more mindful it will help us tremendously in almost every facet of life. Her groundbreaking research has found that we can quite literally think ourselves younger, healthier and better - as well as totally changing our relationship with self-doubt.

(By the way - mindfulness is NOT to be mistaken for meditation.)

This episode is full of the most mind-blowing studies, experiments and stories that have the power to change how you think about how you think.


Dr. Ellen Langer

Professor of Psychology

Harvard University



Tiger Therapy