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Responding Well to Counter Offers From Your Boss

Jun 19, 2019 | 13m

You were halfway out the door at your current company but they presented you with a counter offer that you didn’t prepare for. What do you do? Kirsty Poltock shows you how to respond to counter offers, highlights what you need to consider, and gives you a framework to use for your decision-making process.

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • Deciding between taking up a counter offer from your current organisation or sticking to your original plan of leaving your job
  • What it actually means when your boss gives you a counter offer
  • Why 75% of people look out in the market again within six months of accepting a counter offer
  • Assessing the feasibility of your boss offering you a counter offer with a promotion and career promises, and the likelihood of it happening

Hosted by Nellie Wartoft


Kirsty Poltock

Director of Commerce

Robert Walters



Making a Career Switch