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Inclusive Workplaces For Parents – What’s Needed?

Mar 29, 2023 | 46m

A few years ago, Mary Beth was an SVP in a major bank. Her experience of returning to work after maternity leave and feeling so unsupported inspired her to carve out a new path – working with companies and people leaders to make sure they’re being truly inclusive. You won’t be surprised to learn she thinks most organizations have a long way to go.

Join us as Mary Beth whips through the biggest issues she sees and the barriers to overcoming them: the mental load, invisible work and what NOT to do in inclusivity training.

Useful Notes & Resources:

  • The Iceland story “the long Friday” was inspired by the chapter of the same name in “Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed For Men” by Caroline Criado Perez
  • 1 in 4 women are considering downshifting or leaving the workforce. Women in senior level positions are burned out, exhausted and feel the pressure to work more. (McKinsey Women in the Workplace, 2020)
  • Over half of women surveyed have experienced harassment or non-inclusive behavior at work in the past year (Deloitte Global Report, 2021)
  • Pippa mentioned a previous Tigerhall podcast with Kausik Rajgopal, CHRO at Paypal - this can be found in the Tigerhall app

Hosted by Pippa Woodhead


Mary Beth Ferrante

Founder & CEO




For Historically Excluded Groups Women Empowerment Psychological Safety