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How to Kill That Self-Doubt as a New Leader

May 18, 2021 | 18m

“I don’t know anything about this industry, I’m going to be a horrible leader!” If these are the kinds of thoughts you’ve been having as a newly minted leader, then you’ve probably got a bad case of self-doubt. Niharika Singh has been where you are right now, especially when her boss asked her to be a judge on the reality TV show “The Apprentice”. She shares the tools for how she focused on her strengths to overcome her camera shyness and find her confidence.

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • Common mistakes you should avoid when trying to find your footing as a new leader
  • How compartmentalising her thoughts helped Niharika deal with her self-doubt
  • The best way to figure out how to play to your strengths

Hosted by Pippa Woodhead


Niharika Singh

Former Head of Product and Tech | Head of Corporate Strategy and Tech

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