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How to Have Confidence in Any Situation

May 22, 2024 | 38m

If you knew what to say and how to act in every scenario - how would this make a difference to how confident you feel?

If you knew you could always make a good first impression, would you doubt yourself less, would you feel braver to put yourself out there and try new things?

Sara Jane Ho is the Emmy-nominated host of Netflix’s Mind Your Manners, and founder of China’s first finishing school - Institute Sarita - which was recognised as one of the "World's Most Innovative 50 Companies" by Fast Company Magazine.

She says “People think of etiquette as stuffy old manners, but actually, etiquette changes with the times. I really see etiquette as the upmost form of wellness, it’s a way to promote healthy individual growth.”

Thank you Sara Jane for sharing your advice about how etiquette can be used to feel confident in oneself, as well as making those around us feel comfortable.


Sara Jane Ho

Host | Founder

Netflix Series 'Mind Your Manners' | Institute Sarita



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