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How Body Language Science Can Win You Dates

Oct 26, 2019 | 24m

Welcome to the science lesson you wish they taught at school - how to make yourself seem more attractive to the object of your desire (really!). World renowned social psychologist, Dr Mark Frank, is here to let you in on the secrets of sexual attraction and how you can actively apply it in your dating life. He talks you through a first-date scenario: how you can appear less nervous, build rapport, establish if the feeling is mutual, and ultimately win you that second date.

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • The lies men and women tend to include in their online dating profiles - and how much you can bend the truth before it backfires
  • What your body is doing without you realising when you’re interested in someone
  • How the way women apply makeup is down to the science of arousal

Hosted by Pippa Woodhead


Dr. Mark Frank

Social Psychologist

State University of New York



Persuasion Skills