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Gender in the Workplace: What the Research Tells Us

Mar 20, 2023 | 46m

What does the research tell us about perceptions of gender in the workplace? Social scientist Juliana Horowitz dives into the questions the pandemic raised about traditional gender roles, how societal expectations shape how mothers and fathers view themselves, and which structural changes would be beneficial for working parents.

Useful Notes & Resources:

  • The pandemic raised questions about the division of labor in the home. In opposite sex relationships, eight-in-ten mothers said they did more household work than their spouse or partner. 62 percent of fathers agreed their spouse did more in this regard (Pew Research Centre)
  • Women are more likely to play the role of caregiver generally, whether for a child, aged parents or family member with a health condition (Pew Research Center)
  • The app Pippa couldn’t remember the name of in the podcast to that helps families balance household work is called “OurHome”

Hosted by Pippa Woodhead


Juliana Horowitz

Associate Director of Research

Pew Research Center



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