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Explaining Tech to Non-Tech People

Nov 19, 2020 | 10m

Explaining tech to non-tech people is like explaining magic to a muggle. Kishore Parthasarathy tells it like it is - if you’re a techie, no one cares how flawless your code is. Kishore has learnt the hard way that as an engineer it’s vital to de-techify your communications with your management, so they can see the value of your work and rally behind it.

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • Expanding your thought process to think about your product holistically
  • How to develop adaptive communication skills that will allow you to explain your product to anyone 
  • Why getting out of your comfort zone to do more than just tech will help your progression 

Hosted by Pippa Woodhead


Kishore Parthasarathy

Director | Former Head of Marketing Science




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