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Digital Inclusion in Southeast Asia

Aug 16, 2021 | 16m

When was the last time you paid with cash or looked for a job in the newspaper? Never has our existence been so digitized, and yet around 150 million people in Southeast Asia don’t have access to digital technology. Carolyn Chin-Parry, a Digital Innovation Leader at PwC Singapore who recently led the company’s Digital Upskilling Initiative for 84,000 employees in APAC, tells you more about the growing digital divide in the region and presents the argument for why you should join the fight against it.

Gain Actionable Insights Into:

  • Understanding why digital inclusiveness is a win for us all
  • Steps you can take as an individual, corporation or government body to combat the digital divide
  • Why choosing to live ‘off the grid’ isn’t the same as being digitally excluded

Hosted by Pippa Woodhead


Carolyn Chin-Parry

Group Head of Transformation | Former Digital Innovation Leader, Singapore

Bolttech | PwC



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