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Confidence at Work & Being a Kick-Ass Boss

Oct 31, 2023 | 51m

Kim has had many big moments in her career, including working under Sheryl Sandberg at Google and being a CEO coach at companies such as Dropbox and Twitter, but what REALLY put her name on the map was her book Radical Candor - Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity, a Wall Street journal and New York Times bestseller. Since the success of Radical Candor she’s released another book - Radical Respect: How to Work Together Better.

In this episode we discuss the power of candid feedback in workplace relationships, and the role this plays in how we show up. Kim also shares how she experienced discrimination, bullying and even sexual harassment as a woman in tech in her earlier career, and the impact this had on her.


Kim Scott


Radical Candor



Tiger Therapy