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Change & Transformation

On-Demand Webinar: Why 78% of Your Organization Couldn’t Care Less About Your Transformation Initiative and What To Do About It


1 min read

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Ready to address the resistance to change that often plagues transformation initiatives in large organizations? This webinar will explore the core reasons behind employee apathy towards change and equip you with powerful, creative strategies to overcome this obstacle. Discover how applying authentic communication, crafting compelling messages, and syncing with your employees’ identities at work can propel transformations to the finish line and beyond.

What You'll Gain:

  • Uncover the typical causes of employee indifference when faced with transformation initiatives.

  • Develop authentic communication techniques to establish trust within your organization.

  • Learn to formulate strategic messages that echo your employees’ core values and identities.

  • Harness the crucial role of multilingual and multimodal communication in today’s global workforce.

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    Let’s chat about:

  • Scaling and speeding up driving change at your organization.

  • Rallying your organization around key initiatives using structured communications.

  • Reinforcing change messages and driving ideal behaviors through the daily workflow, enabled by integration options with Microsoft Teams, CRM platforms, ERP systems, and more.

  • Storing and sharing all resources and organizational knowledge in one unified platform, accessible across mobile, desktop, and Microsoft Teams.

  • Staying informed on progress and social sentiment with real-time feedback loops and data analytics.

  • Enabling internal influencers to share their expertise as easily as an Instagram story.

  • Empowering your workforce with top industry insights from 2,000+ global experts in under 20 minutes, 30+ languages, and schedule-friendly formats.

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