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Live Podcast Recording: Transforming into the Future of Work


1 min read

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Blur the line between science fiction and reality, as we discuss the future of work with Dr. Christian Schmeichel, Chief Future of Work Officer at European Software group SAP. From exploring AI's promising possibilities to creating engaging workplaces for up to 5 different generations in the workforce, discover the changes that will soon impact your organization and practical approaches in preparing for them.

Dr. Christian Schmeichel, SVP and Chief Future of Work Officer, SAP

Christian is Senior Vice President and Chief Future of Work Officer at SAP, leading its global Future of Work organization. In this role, he is responsible for SAP’s holistic Future of Work agenda, focusing on state-of-the-art people practices and innovative workplace approaches for the company’s 100,000+ employees across the globe to continuously attract and retain the best talent in the industry.

He has more than 20 years of experience in various senior HR executive positions, amongst others being Chief Operating Officer for SAP’s global people function, global Head of HR Strategy, and HR Director at SAP’s subsidiary in Japan. With a passion for people and technology, Christian is considered a thought leader for driving large-scale HR transformation and shaping the future of work. Being a strong advocate for ‘running HR like a business’, he is a big believer in agile leadership and an inclusive culture as key ingredients for world-class organizational performance.

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