Do you sometimes wish running change initiatives looked more like the process of jury duty? Hear me out. You take the people you need, you put their lives and work on hold, you make them listen to all of the context of a change, you sequester them into a room until they’ve decided what to do about a change. And then they come out and tell you exactly what they want this change to look like unanimously, within the parameters you set for them.
But that’s not how change happens in large organizations. Your workforce is very busy with their work and you’re stuck competing for their attention with tools that are over 30 years old (i.e. SharePoint and emails) and that weren’t at all made to lead change in large organizations.
The reality is: you can’t force people on this journey or expect them to follow your lead. You need to be even more intentional and strategic through the 3 main phases of change:
- Planning: Determining the scope and the shape of the change initiative
- Executing: Working hand in hand with leaders and teams on adopting changes
- Sustaining: Keeping the momentum of a change initiative strong over time.
With your time and resources being limited and with a need to get people on board with personalized change messages, the only way to do all of that at scale is with Tigerhall.
How Tigerhall Informs the Planning Phase
Change initiatives fall short when they aren’t rooted in the current reality of your organization and when they aren’t communicated in ways that make them pointedly relevant to the groups you’re speaking to. That’s why, during the planning phase, Tigerhall supports you with:
Audience segmentation: Instead of manually creating send lists for your email communications, create groups that will receive your different communications based on a multitude of criteria like seniority, who they report to, corporate hierarchy, etc. This facilitates the cascade of information throughout your organization and gives leaders a chance to process how they feel about a change before their team asks them questions about this change.
WIIFM done for you: With the power of AI, Tigerhall can take a long PowerPoint or typed document and create custom podcast episodes that highlight the WIIFM (what’s in it for me) messaging that you want to send to leaders and their teams across your organization. Like with any AI tool, you can prompt it to include or exclude certain details and rephrase key parts of the messaging. Context is key and what one leader or worker might need to hear can vary tremendously. Once you are happy with the AI-generated text, you can pick AI voice(s) to narrate your communications or, with consent, clone and use the voice of a trusted leader or peer within your organization. Not sure who that might be? Tigerhall’s analytics can point you in the right direction.
Current, real-time data: Take the guesswork out of which teams are saturated with change or experiencing change fatigue. As you plan your change initiative, use Tigerhall's data to get the lay of the land with advanced sentiment analysis. Start any initiative on the right foot by working with teams that are more open to change.
Historical data: Every team has its own microculture within your larger, corporate-wide culture. Tigerhall can give you historical data and tell you which departments have had an easier time with certain types of change and which struggled the most.
How Tigerhall Propels the Executing Phase
Once the plan is out of the bag, Tigerhall improves the reach and relatability of your plan by:
Translating change communications into 30+ different languages: Communicating changes in everyone's mother tongue has never been easy. Now it is, in 3 small steps. Upload your change communications into Tigerhall. Tigerhall then automatically translates your message in 30+ different languages. Based on their language preferences, each leader and worker can listen or read your change messaging in the language of their choice. It's that simple.
Different Formats: You've got your readers who prefer short-form articles, your audio lovers who listen to podcasts on their commute, and your video lovers who want to see a leader's genuine reaction to a change. With live streaming, video uploading, and text-to-podcast-to-text capabilities, you can finally meet people's varying content consumption preferences.
Completion Data: Take the guesswork out of who has read your email or accessed your SharePoint. Tigerhall tells you completion rates and the option to nudge users who haven't touched or gone over all of the change messaging you’ve sent their way.
Two-Way Feedback Loops: Don't wait until your next company-wide survey to know what people are thinking. Each piece of content in Tigerhall allows users to comment and add reactions which gives you real-time feedback into how things are going and what questions or concerns people might have.
How Tigerhall Strengthens the Sustaining Phase
The change has mostly been adopted now but how do you keep reinforcing the change over time, especially when you have other initiatives to focus on? With Tigerhall, you can:
Highlight relatable peers: As the plan hits reality, it's inevitable that you'll have certain teams that have an easier time with the change than others. Highlight those leaders and workers by working with them to produce their own content for Tigerhall. Even a short text on how they managed to make the change work for them can pave the way forward for others to follow.
Work directly with the right teams: Have you spotted a point of resistance in Tigerhall? There's a group that's just not engaging with the change? Now you know and you can dedicate the right resources to discover why the resistance is occurring. Build trust and rapport with that team and that team’s lead to get their honest perspective of where the resistance is coming from. At scale, this would be impossible to do with every single team throughout your whole organization. With Tigerhall pointing out the teams that need more time and resources, you can focus your attention on where it’s needed most.
Keep the discussion going: One of the biggest issues of not having a change activation platform is this: we expect employees to digest our SharePoints and emails in order plus remember their contents for months on end. And that’s just not what happens. Emails are left unopened, SharePoints collect dust, and even if someone wanted to look back at an email or SharePoint, they'd have to really dig to find them. Tigerhall not only lets you group topics that you can visually organize but also lets you build playlists where all communications about a change can be consumed at any time in the right order. No more digging.
A unified change activation platform
With the way markets and industries are evolving, change isn't going anywhere. And it's about time that change leaders get a tool that's designed for them, that's data-driven, flexible, and makes change scalable. It comes down to this: managing change at scale requires more than good intentions and mass emails. You need data. You need buy-in. You need Tigerhall.